Best Presentation Award of the ICIEA-Europe for Patrick Bründl

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Foto: FAU / FAPS

At the “11th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Applications” (ICIEA 2024) in Nice, the paper “Optimizing Intralogistics in an Engineer-to-Order Enterprise with Job Shop Production: A Case Study of the Control Cabinet Manufacturing” by Patrick Bründl, Micha Stoidner, Huong Giang Nguyen, Ahmad Abrass and ESI member Prof. Dr.-Ing Jörg Franke received the “Best Presentation Award”.

The presentation and associated paper evaluate the benefits of optimizing the intralogistics process for small and medium-sized manufacturing companies (SMEs) in the engineer-to-order (ETO) sector that are heavily dependent on manual activities. Based on industry visits and primary data, a new intralogistics concept and process was formulated. This approach increases the value-added time of production workers while facilitating full digital integration and improving transparency and traceability. The practical application of this method in one company led to a reduction in throughput time of around 11.3%. In addition, the improved visibility has identified surplus stock, resulting in benefits such as reduced capital requirements and lower stock requirements. Expected future improvements include greater efficiency through more experienced warehouse staff and optimized picking methods. In addition, digital advances promise cost reductions in administration and support tasks.

You can find further inforamtion at the Website of FAPS.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jörg Franke


Department Maschinenbau (MB)
Lehrstuhl für Fertigungsautomatisierung und Produktionssystematik (FAPS, Prof. Franke)